Rent Glory Days 2 for Nintendo DS - Online Video Game Rentals
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Glory Days 2 for NINTENDODS to rent Rent Glory Days 2 on Nintendo DS

Released: 24 Aug 2007

Genre: Flight

Step into the cock-pit as one of three battle-hardened pilots. Your mission brief: destroy the enemy forces and save the day. Problem is your enemies share the same objective! The difference between success and failure is you!With a vast array of combat hardware at your disposal, from WWII to the present day, assault the enemy with thunderous tanks; and provide air support with attack helicopters and jet fighters. Take direct control of V2's, drones and bombers and call on artillery support to bombard the enemy, whilst deploying your ground units in a bid to destroy the enemy command centre. But its not going to easy- with any war, money plays a pivotal part; so spend wisely, manage your resources and shrewdly construct and strategically place your ground-troops. Only then will you stand any chance of obtaining the hardware and firepower to win the day!!


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