Genre: Action / Adventure
The Ghostbusters are back in an all new story penned by the original creators! With Manhattan newly overrun by ghosts and other supernatural creatures, it's up to you to take on the role of a new recruit joining the original film cast of the famous Ghostbusters team. Equipped with a variety of unique weapons and gadgets, you will hunt, fight and capture a wide range of uncanny phantasms and demons in an all new funny and frightening battle to save New York City from its latest paranormal plague.
Leave a reviewThe game is decent. Definitely better for Ghostbusters fans, as it includes some good plot continuations from the films. Good nostalgia value if nothing else. Slightly bittersweet hearing Harold Ramis as Egon for the last time. One for the fans.
This game played better than I thought online or not, story was a bit short though I give it 9/10
Game was so much fun. Great jokes and awsome Gameplay. Upgrade system in the game is very good and the graphics are solid.