Genre: Kids / Family
The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan exclusively for your Nintendo DS!The gods of Olympus are alive in the 21st Century. They still fall in love with mortals and have children who might become great heroes, but most of these children meet horrible fates at the hands of monsters. Only a few learn the truth of their identity and make it to Half Blood Hill, a Long Island summer camp dedicated to training young demigods.Such is the revelation that launches young Percy Jackson on a quest to help his real father, Poseidon, avert a war among the gods. With the help of his friends, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction - Zeus' master bolt. Along the way, they face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop them.Half Boy. Half God. All Hero. Join Percy as he teams up with other demigods to battle mythical foes!Flips: Rick Riordan - Percy Jackson for Nintendo DS includes 5 interactive books by Rick Riordan plus 2 extra books, on one game card: 'The Lightning Thief', 'The Sea of Monsters', 'The Titan's Curse', 'The Battle of the Labyrinth', 'The Last Olympian', plus 'The Demigod Files' (by Rick Riordan) and 'Tales of the Greek Heroes' (by Roger Green).