Genre: Action / Adventure
Introducing unique worlds, memorable characters and extraordinary stories with every new instalment, the Final Fantasy series has continuously reinvented itself over the last two decades, shipping over 85 million copies worldwide in the process. The series is defined by constant evolution, with each release delivering nothing less than the finest creative vision, graphical quality and gameplay system of its generation. Needless to say, Final Fantasy XIII is no exception.In Final Fantasy XIII, players will embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the floating cityworld of Cocoon and the savage lowerworld of Pulse, encountering a diverse band of would-be allies along the way. With seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and in-game cinematics, and an evolved Active Time Battle system offering a perfect harmony of spectacular action and strategy, this is an adventure unlike any other. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?
Leave a reviewvisually stunning but gets repetitive and linear, not like other final fantasies.
10 out of 10. Good few days of solid play. Tones of extras/Unlocks and brilliant storyline. Cant think of anything the game can really improve on. Must rent! Possible Buy. I did myself.