Genre: Racing
Driver: San Francisco is a high speed, innovative prequel in the classic franchise. An action-driving game set in a huge environment, featuring all the cinematic "car chase" action you expect from the series combined with features that capitalize on the unique control mechanics of the Wii. Featuring Detective John Tanner, the game follows his early years on the force as he hits the streets as a gifted rookie and attempts to take down a crime syndicate controlling San Francisco's underworld. And Tanner isn't alone. Players can also take control of fellow Detective Tobias Jones and criminal Solomon Caine as they experience all sides of this high-octane crime drama. Building on the success of the Driver franchise and offering exclusive gameplay and design elements unique to the Wii, Driver: San Francisco is an action driving game with great cars, unique Wii mechanics, drop in/out co-op and a focus on accessibility that invites both dedicated Driver fans and a new, audience alike.