The story begins as you, the hero (one of the King's guards), and your eccentric band - King Trode, the Princess and a reformed bandit named Yangus - arrive at the town of Farebury in search of an evil jester named Dhoulmagus. He is the madman responsible for stealing a forbidden sceptre from King Trode's castle and cursing the whole kingdom. Now he roams the land killing innocent victims. United by a common goal, characters Jessica and Angelo join the party on a quest to bring the devilish Dhoulmagus to justice. Since the record-selling Japanese release new features have been added for the European versions. The game has been optimised for full-screen PAL 50Hz. The game also features the addition of English voice-overs recorded by a British cast, a full-orchestral soundtrack, a completely renovated menu system, new battle abilities, and improved animations. DRAGON QUEST: The Journey of the Cursed King offers players a huge, epic adventure in a seamless world. Roam as far as the eye can see and battle against a wide variety of unique monsters by deploying spectacular attacks and spells - all in 3D for the first time ever.