Genre: Action / Adventure
The Netherworld - a place darker than a pitch-black cave, located deeper than the depth of the seas. It is a cursed land where evil reigns and fould beings dwell. Nobody knows its whereabouts, but everybody fears its existence...The story takes place two years after the death of King Krichevskoy, the ruler of the Netherworld. His son Laharl slept for two full years, unaware of this father's death, while demons fought for supremacy over the Netherworld. With the help of his subordinate Etna and her underlings, the egocentric, megalomaniac Prince Laharl fights his way to become the next king.Disgaea is now on the go! Enjoy your favorite miscreants on your ride to school, work, home, or wherever. Challenge your friends through the exclusive multiplayer mode, and prove beyond a doubt just who deserves to rule the Netherworld.