Genre: Fighting
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower possesses a compelling cast of monster warriors, each possessing their own unique fighting skills and abilities including Demitri Maximoff the Vampire, Jonathan Talbain the English Werewolf, Victor von Gerdenheim the Frankenstein Monster, Lord Raptor the Australian undead hard rocker, Anakaris the Mummy, Rikuo the Brazilian Merman, Sasquatch the Canadian Snowman and Felicia the Cat Woman. Featuring cutting-edge technology and superior graphics display performance, the PSP handheld system completely captures the series' trademark visuals and control. With its unparalleled high resolution, 16:9 widescreen display, gamers will have the option of selecting between two different screen settings, wide or normal resolutions. Using normal resolution, it's possible to set the remaining screen space to specific Darkstalkers wallpaper that can be switched according to the player's mood. Widescreens zooms-in on the action so that every corner is filled with the very essence of the legacy. Furthermore, two distinct control configurations will be available to best suite anyone's gaming style.