Genre: Action / Adventure
Concrete Genie follows the heartwarming journey of a bullied teen named Ash, who escapes his troubles by bringing his colourful imagination to life in his sketchbook, while exploring his hometown of Denska - a once bright and bustling seaside town now polluted by Darkness. Ash discovers a mysterious lighthouse, where he finds a magical paintbrush charged with ‘Living Paint' capable of creating magnificent masterpieces that can purify Denska's polluted walls. Ash must harness the magical properties of his powerful paintbrush to eliminate the Darkness polluting Denska with the help of the mischievous Genies he creates along the way. Can Ash overcome his personal struggles and paint his hometown back to life?
Leave a reviewA decent game, but very short! 7/10
Concrete Genie is a vibrant, colourful game that brings something different to the PlayStation Platform. Definitely worth trying out.