Genre: Shooter
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is the prequel to the critically acclaimed Wild West action shooter Call of Juarez. As the McCall brothers, players enter a doomed quest for the legendary Gold of Juarez leading them from a ravaged Georgia during the Civil War to the Aztec ruins of Mexico. They make their lawless trail into the wildest West ever depicted, using their gun slinging skills and killing all of those that stand before them. But when brothers face Lust, their bound of blood feels thinner than ever...
Leave a reviewOverall a nice idea although why they decided against using xbox live co-op to play with a friend as your other brother escapes me. The cover system is poor, especially when trying to run out past things quickly. Graphics are average, definately nothing special. Multiplayer has …
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A fun game that gets a little repetitive towards the conclusion but worth a rent nonetheless.
Excellent game, wasnt expecting much tbh after reading reviews of screen tearing and graphical glitchs, but its one of the best looking games ive played. In fact a couple levels in the middle are quite possibly the best graphics ive seen in a game, im talking even better then …
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