Genre: Action / Adventure

Six months after the events of the third Back to the Future film, the DeLorean Time Machine mysteriously returns to Hill Valley-minus its owner. Now Marty must go back to 1931 and recruit the help of a reluctant teenage Emmett Brown to save his pal Doc from certain death. Can they repair the rifts of the past without accidentally erasing the future?Authentic to the last detail and a hit with reviewers the world over, Telltale's Back to the Future series reunites the stars of the original movies and is a phenomenal success.Written in collaboration with Bob Gale (Back To The Future movie writer and producer), the series features the voices of Christopher Lloyd as 'Doc' Brown, Claudia Wells as Jennifer Parker and in a ground-breaking cameo, Michael J. Fox returns to the franchise that helped make him a movie legend.
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Captures the tone and atmosphere of the films perfectly however the controls are clunky and the frame rate drops frequently. Worth a rental but not much more.