Genre: Action / Adventure
Asura's Wrath sees Capcom join forces with Japanese developer CyberConnect2. Inspired by Asian mythology and fused with science fiction, Asura's Wrath will redefine the action genre by delivering unprecedented levels of dynamism, drama and interaction.Once a revered deity, Asura was betrayed by his fellow gods and stripped of all his powers. Consumed by anger at the injustice he has suffered and swearing vengeance, Asura discovers he can use this fury to his advantage and turn it against his enemies. By channelling his inner rage, Asura is now able to unleash devastating attacks and wreak havoc as he battles against the deities who have wronged him and their earthly forces. Inspired by episodic dramas, Asura's Wrath will be split into distinct sections with gameplay and narrative unfolding as one and building to a final climatic conclusion.
Leave a reviewGreat game, like an interactive anime. Long cutscenes but still plenty of gameplay.
Ridiculous, over the top action sequences broken up by quick time events and a terrible plot, not to mention the irritating characters. Very very fun just to turn your brain off and play through however, as long as you like a lot of shouting and punching (how could you not?). …
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superb game but certainly not for the cut scene skipping type. also in order to get the best out of the game you should buy the dlc.