Genre: Action / Adventure
One of video gaming's original innovators, Alone in the Dark returns to revolutionise action gaming with an apocalyptic action blockbuster set in New York's iconic Central Park.Central Park is hiding a secret. Built as a safe haven not only for the people of New York, but for something else entirely. The vast parkland has been protected by generations of guardians while the most expensive city in the world reached skyward on its fringes. Now the truth can no longer be contained, and paranormal investigator Edward Carnby finds himself inexplicably cast into the eye of the storm as over the course of one apocalyptic night he must uncover the earth-shattering secret behind Central Park. New York will never be the same again.Inspired by the gripping style of contemporary TV dramas, the game delivers a new degree of narrative intensity, presented as a complete season format of episodes each containing action, twists and cliff-hangers. Bursting with innovative technology, including unprecedented environmental interaction, revolutionary physics, advanced artificial intelligence, stunning visuals, and a uniquely immersive user interface. Alone in the Dark breaks gaming clichés to fulfill the next-gen promise and deliver a new kind of entertainment experience.